About Us
“A Prepared People Preparing the Way of the Lord” Isaiah 40:3-5
We are known in this area as a friendly church; This is the love of God Portrayed in his People, Please Join us. We have morning and evening services.
We Believe
We Believe
We have been called to be a prepared people preparing the way for the Lord.
We Believe
In the vital importance of prayer and worship.
We Believe
We should spend time in worship as He is worthy to be praised!
We Believe
Worship of God should be Spiritual. Therefore: We remain flexible and yielded to the Holy Spirit to direct our worship
Our Mission
Preparing the way of the Lord.
Highpoint, "A Prepared People Preparing the Way of the Lord" Isaiah 40:3-5
1430 Avenue E
Council Bluffs, IA 51501
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