What to Expect
EXPECT a friendly atmosphere. You should be greeted at the door and given a bulletin and a visitor card to fill out and place in the offering basket.
EXPECT a LONG praise & worship service.
We have two worship teams who serve primarily as praise and worship leaders to songs streamed from an app. The music is about 98% Christian Contemporary; you will hear many of the songs you might hear on KLOVE or KGBI. We might throw in an Oldie but Goodie from time to time. Either way – it’s probably going to be loud.
EXPECT a sermon that *typically* follows the praise & worship service.
EXPECT to learn something from that sermon ~ even if you’ve been in church for years and have read the Bible from cover to cover EXPECT to get something from the sermon you can apply to your life or walk with the Lord.
EXPECT the unexpected: we’re one of those churches where people often lift their hands in worship, some sit, some stand, others kneel – however the Spirit moves us. In our excitement, we may even shout an amen, or a hoot or a holler – you know, something like you might hear at a football game.
There is occasionally a change in the order of the service as well as we believe in allowing the Spirit to move as he wishes.
We have many special interest groups
- Youth group
- Men’s group
- Ladies of Lighthouse (LOL)
- Young Adults Group
- Marriage Experience
- Roots
Been here for awhile now? There are several other ways to get involved – some do require formal approval
- Missions
- Worship team
- Nursery/toddler rooms
- Many more
Pastors Don & Heidie Bates
Highpoint, "A Prepared People Preparing the Way of the Lord" Isaiah 40:3-5
1430 Avenue E
Council Bluffs, IA 51501
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